Previously a full stack java/scala developer, I now manage a team of developers, testers and product owners.
While still enjoying the process of designing software architecture and writing code, I like to focus my efforts on development strategy and product direction, researching new technologies and even giving presentations.
I consider myself proficient in the following:
- Continuous deployment tools and methodologies
- Enterprise software architecture
- SaaS solution analysis and design
- Team leadership
- Presentations
When I'm not working, I enjoy:
- Computer games
- Board games
- Snowboarding
- Gym
- Squash
This personal project is a 'choose your own adventure' style mobile web app currently in development. Built using the ionic framework in Angular/Typescript. I am also creating a companion mobile card game built in Unity.
AntArctic Games Ltd. was a collaboration of myself and couple of other developers who enjoy developing games. I, along with the others, created the branding and design for our website.
Amyloids is a simple asteroids-like game created by us for Alzheimer's Research UK in Unity. I was heavily involved in both the creation of graphical assets and development for the game.
Another personal project I poured a lot of time and passion into was the site development, world-building and rule creation for a DnD inspired table-top RPG which I still play with friends.